180 Business Targeted by ICE for Form I-9 Inspections
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Immigration enforcement is on the rise. Over the past year, the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") division has increased its scrutiny of employer I9 compliance.
In July 2009, ICE performed 652 highly publicized I9 inspections and 1,000 business and organization in the fall of 2009 as well.
Announced March 2nd - 180 business in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee have been issued Notices of Inspection.
This expanding enforcement effort reminds employers of the importance of the employment eligibility (i9) verification process, since even inadvertent paperwork errors may expose a company to fines, and intentional or neglectful violations could subject an employer to criminal penalties and sanctions.
By developing and implementing a due diligence program and utilizing Liberty's error-proof, paperless, electronic Form I9 for completing and maintaining I9's in conjunctions with annual audits performed by our I9 Compliance host, employers take proactive steps to improve their I9 compliance and minimize the risk of associated fines, penalties and employer sanctions.
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